I well and truly got in my father's bad books over the JW religion - not when I left it, though, rather the opposite.
He didn't object when I got baptised in September, 1972. The stuff hit the fan blades some three months later, when the elders made me throw in my apprenticeship ( the "end was too near", and all that!).
The immediate effect of that was to cause one almighty brawl, when my father stormed into my place of work, intent on punching me clean into the middle of next week! While never much of a one for violence, on that occassion I felt obliged to protect myself by hitting back in exactly the same manner - maybe even a little worse.
Anyway, for four years after that, my name was never even mentioned at home. And after my father's death, I found some family photos in which my face had been removed.
That whole sorry business caused a rift in the family that never was completely healed.